MOGA Virtual Keyboard

About a month ago I released Moga VK.  This is an application that can turn a standard MOGA controller into a keyboard.  This is useful for games or applications like my emulators that do not directly support MOGA.  There is an application to do this already called MOGA Universal.  The major difference is it handles the Bluetooth connection on its own, this leads to many benefits but also adds a whole layer of complexity and potential crashes.  MOGA VK uses MOGA Pivot to manage the connection, this guarantees a stable and hassle free connection at a loss to some expert level features.  The app is very easy to use, merely start it up, enable the MOGA IME and it is ready to go for my emulators.



Android NDK GCC 4.6 (Update) + Bug Fix

Now that GCC 4.6 has been made the default toolchain in the Android NDK there is no need to follow any special steps. Check out Android NDKr8b.

It has a known bug already.  The STANDALONE toolchain that some use build from the NDK incorrectly sets up the paths for C++ headers.  The fix is seen here on the bug report (

In short:

mv $NDK_TOOLCHAIN/arm-linux-androideabi/include/c++/4.6 $NDK_TOOLCHAIN/arm-linux-androideabi/include/c++/4.6.x-google

Enjoy the extra C++11 features such as lambda and constexpr.

Android SurfNet Workshop

Over the past year I was on the intern team for a Canadian research network called SurfNet.  SurfNet primarily concerns itself with interactive surfaces and things you can touch like a touch table or SMART boards.  The intern team gets projects submitted to them by professors that are part of the research network.  It was fun to work on the intern team but unfortunately it was not a lot of team work.  The majority of the projects came from my local university and I worked alone.  Even after finishing with them September 1, 2011 they are still keeping me on the payroll to work unofficially for them.  They wish to put the entire team on a project I have been working on over the past few months.

Every year they hold a conference and gather all the people involved in SurfNet.  This year it was held in Calgary, Alberta at the University of Calgary.  Excellent establishment, great people and an all around fun time.  This year they offered students to submit ideas for workshops.  I decided to submit a workshop on Android development.  Albeit not to related to SurfNet it is still an interactive surface and almost everyone is beginning to pick up on Android as the best way to developer quick research projects targeting mobile devices.  So I gave a 1.5hr talk on Android and it generated some pretty good interest. Here are the slides purely for interests sake.

Presentation Download



With the blessing of the author of libgambatte I am able to publically announce GambatteDroid.  Gambatte is a cycle accurate open source Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulation library.  As a developer I must say that libgambatte is very well written.  Kudo’s to all the authors involved in the project (Project Home)  As a Gameboy fan nothing is more nostalgic than playing it on a mobile device.  Go ahead and visit the forums if you have any comments to make.  Please rate or comment on the market page!

Video (Link):



NESDroid – Real Time Rewind

To continue the last post about GENPlusDroid real time rewind.  NESDroid rewind uses the exact same method. Required only some small changes to the emulation core, nothing major just how it loads/saves its state. The FCEU state saves are around 75Kb per frame. We are using a 20MB heap for the NES version which only provides 15-20s of rewind as you see in the final segment of the video.

Certainly more fun to real time rewind NES that Genesis in my honest opinion.


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