C++ Tiled Tmx Parser

I had a need for a lightweight quick and down to business tmx parser.

For those unfamiliar TMX is the file format used by Tiled.  Tiled is a map editor for tile maps.

The parser at the moment required C++11x but only for one small bit of code which could easily be removed.  The parser is mostly a C library in its usage.  It returns simply an error code and a struct you allocated the memory for containing the entirety of the tmx file.

GitHub Source: libtmx-parser

Android NDK Standalone GCC 4.6

Not entirely sure when Google started to include the GCC 4.6 sources.  I have first noticed it at the current NDK r8 when running the download-toolchain-sources.sh

You have to compile it yourself.  There are instructions out there but now that google is including it things have gotten easier.  These instructions only apply to Linux.  Specifically tested in Ubuntu 12.04.

  • sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl
  • Download NDK
  • Untar NDK to [SOME_LOCATION], using /opt/ndk/
  • Set NDK_ROOT=/opt/ndk/
  •  ./build/tools/download-toolchain-sources.sh src/
  • Download MPC 0.9
  • Move mpc tar to ./src/mpc/
  • ./build/tools/build-gcc.sh --gmp-version=4.3.2 --mpc-version=0.9 --mpfr-version=2.4.2 --binutils-version=2.21 $(pwd)/src $(pwd) arm-linux-androideabi-4.6
  • ./build/tools/build-gcc.sh --gmp-version=4.3.2 --mpc-version=0.9 --mpfr-version=2.4.2 --binutils-version=2.21 $(pwd)/src $(pwd) x86-4.6
  • ./build/tools/build-gcc.sh --gmp-version=4.3.2 --mpc-version=0.9 --mpfr-version=2.4.2 --binutils-version=2.21 $(pwd)/src $(pwd) mipsel-linux-android-4.6
  • (Patience)

Now you can generate a standalone toolchain for distribution:

  • ./build/tools/make-standalone-toolchain.sh --toolchain=arm-linux-androideabi-4.6 --platform=android-9 --install-dir=/opt/android-9_arm/
  • ./build/tools/make-standalone-toolchain.sh --toolchain=x86-4.6 --platform=android-9 --install-dir=/opt/android-9_x86/
  • ./build/tools/make-standalone-toolchain.sh --toolchain=mipsel-linux-android-4.6 --platform=android-9 --install-dir=/opt/android-9_mips/


Similar steps can be applied to MAC OS X however setting up the development environment is far more annoying.  I have a feeling this might be near impossible to pull off in Windows without jumping through major hoops.

Google’s Coding Style Guide

Regardless of personal preference you will often be forced to adapt to the coding style of someone else.  Generally this will be an enforced style at the company you work for.  Some see this as a minor annoyance.  I personally see this as important and practical.  It helps maintain code readability, this is important for new comers or looking back at your own code.  By making code more readable you also make it more understandable, this makes maintenance even easier.   Decision about style have more impact than arguments like whether braces should be on the same line.

The coding preference which most closely matched my habits turned out to be Google’s C++ Coding Guide.  This made most sense to me as I learned programming starting with C then C++.  In reality I started coding in BASIC on a Commodore 64 but that is a different story.

I find this style guide has a lot of good habits one can derive from it.

Google’s C++ Style Guide

There are some changes to the style I make, here are some important ones:

  • Class members are all prefixed with an underscore
  • Two spaces between functions implementations